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Bikker, Elise. "Less and More: The Fin-de-Siècle Android". The Cambridge Quarterly (due to be published in 2024)


Bikker, Elise. "’ Checkmate!’: Von Kempelen's Chess Turk and the Significance of Losing to a Machine". The Fourth Revolution - VOX the Student Journal of Politics, Economics and Philosophy, (2018).






Bikker, Elise. “From the Chess Turk to Frozen Heads: The Circumvention of Decay in the Conscious Machine.” Paper presented at The Aesthetics of Decay: From Gothic Spectre to (Post)Modern Anxiety: International Conference, London Centre for Interdisciplinary Research, 24 February 2018.




Bikker, Elise. “Van Lebossé tot Joosten: Schets van het á cire perdue-bronsgieten in Nederland en het vergroten van bronsplastieken door Lebossé, Bousquiet en bronsgieterij á Cire perdue Fa. M. N. R. Joosten.” Sculptuur Instituut, Scheveningen, 2005/Bikker, Elise. “From Lebossé to Joosten: A summary of cire-perdue bronze casting in The Netherlands and the enlargement of bronze sculptures by foundry M. N. R. Joosten.” Sculpture Institute, Scheveningen, 2005.

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